
1685 Establishment of parent regiments: Lanier’s (2nd) & Peterborough’s (3rd)
1690 Boyne and Aughrim (both)
1701-1713 War of Spanish Succession (KDG)
1704 Blenheim (KDG)
1706 Ramillies (KDG)
1707 Almanza (Bays)
1708 Oudenarde (KDG)
1709 Malplaquet (KDG)
1710 Almenara and Saragossa (Bays)
1743 Dettingen (both)
1760 Warburg and Corbach (both)
1764 Groesbenstein (both)
1794 Beaumont and Willems (Bays)
1815 Waterloo (KDG)
1838 Lower Canada suppression of French Canadian revolt (KDG)
1854-1855 Crimean War (KDG)
1855 Sevastopol (KDG)
1857-1858 Indian Mutiny (Bays and a short appearance by KDG)
1857 Lucknow (Bays)
1860 China War – Taku Forts (KDG)
1879 Zulu War: Ulundi and capture of Cetewayo (KDG)
1881 First Anglo-Boer War: Laings Nek (KDG)
1899-1902 Second Anglo-Boer War (both)
1914-1918 First World War engaged in all major battles mostly dismounted. Battle honours for: Mons, Le Cateau, Marne, Messines, Ypres, Somme, Morval, Scarpe, Cambrai, Amiens, Pursuit to Mons and France & Flanders (both)
1919 Third Afghan War. KDG conduct last British cavalry horseback charge.
1935 Bays re-role from horses to tanks
1938 KDG re-role from horses to tanks
1939-1945 Second World War engaged mainly in Western Desert and Italy. Battle honours for: Somme, Beda Fomm, Tobruk, Gazala, El Alamein, Elo Agheila, Advance on Tripoli, Tebaga Gap, El Hamma, Tunis, North Africa 1941-43, Monte Cammino, Gothic line, Coraino, Lamone Crossing, Rimini Line, Argenta Gap, Italy 1943-45 (both). Greece, Syria & Lebanon (KDG)
1956-1957 Malayan Emergency (KDG)
1959 Amalgamation of KDG and Bays to form 1St The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
1959 Wolfenbuttel as recce. N.Ireland tour at Omagh and B & C Sqns Borneo
1966-7 Aden as recce. Battle of Sheik Othman and the clearance of Crater
1970 Catterick in tanks as RAC Training Regiment. Detached squadron in Berlin
1972 Hohne in tanks and included N.Ireland tour
1980 Omagh dismounted tour in N.Ireland
1982 Wimbish as recce with tours to Lebanon and Cyprus. Tercentenary 1985
1987 Wolfenbuttel as recce
1990-1991 First Gulf War. A Sqn led 7 Armoured Div into Kuwait on Op Granby
1991 Tidworth as recce. N.Ireland tour and recce for ACE Mobile Force
1992 Sennelager in tanks.Tours to Bosnia and Croatia in 1996
1998 N.Ireland tour followed by posting to Catterick in tanks. Kosovo (1999-2001)
2003 Second Gulf War-Iraq then return to Catterick and then move to Osnabruck
2004-2005 Basrah, Iraq, Op TELIC 5, including Op BRACKEN
2006-2007 Iraq Op TELIC 8 transfer of Al Muthanna Province back to Iraqi control
2007 Move from Osnabruck to Sennelager
2008-2009 Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Op HERRICK 9
2009 Prince of Wales takes salute at Cardiff Castle for QDG’s Golden Jubilee
2010 BATUS deployment as COEFOR
2011-2012 Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Op HERRICK 15
2014 Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Op HERRICK 20
2015 Farewell to Germany Parade and move to Swanton Morley, Norfolk
2016 California, USA, Ex DIAMONDBACK
2017 California, USA, Ex DIAMONDBACK
2018-2019 Poland, Op CABRIT

2021-2022 Mali, Op NEWCOMBE 2 & 3