Medals From 1898

Decorations from the Battle of Khartoum to Kosovo

Captain Neville Smyth, Queens Bays

At the battle of Khartoum on 2nd September, 1898 a native armed with a spear ran amok among the camp followers. Captain Smyth galloped forward and received the natives charge, and was wounded in the arm by his spear, but he killed the native. By a complete disregard for his own safety he saved the camp followers and prevented further trouble.

Indian Mutiny Medals

General Sir W H Seymour K.C.B Queen’s Bays

Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (93a)
Orderof Franz Joseph, Grand Commander’s Cross
Crimea Medal, clasps Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sebastopol. Indian Mutiny, clasp Lucknow.
Turkish Crimea Medal

Medals Of Lieutenant General Sir R J Sayer KCB 1KDG

Knights Commander of the Bath
Companions of the Bath
Crimea War Medal
China War Medal clasps Taku Forts and Pekin
Turkish Crimea Medal

Major J J Brocklebank DSO

Distinguished Service Order
Queen’s South Africa Medal
King’s South Africa Medal
1914 -1915 Star
British War Medal
Allied Victory Medal
Knight’s Cross of the Order of Franz Josef (in gold)

Brigadier J J Kingstone CBE, DSO, MC Queen’s Bays

Commander British Empire
Distinguished Service Order GV
Military Cross
1914 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal M.I.D
1939-45 Star
Africa Star
France & Germany Star
Defence Medal
War Medal M.I.D
Jubilee Medal 1935
Coronation Medal 1937 GV1
Coronation Medal 1953 E11
Knight Commander Of The Order Of Orange Nassau

W.R Read. Major 1 KDG Wing Commander Royal Air Force

Military Cross
GVR Distinguished Flying Cross
GVR Air Force Cross 2 Bars
1914 Star clasp(5th Aug-22nd Nov)
British War Medal
1914 Allied Victory Medal
1914 Defence Medal
1939-45 War Medal
1911 Delhi Durbar GVR

Major E T Robinson 1 KDG Dragoon Guards

1914 Star clasp (5 Aug-22 Nov)
British War Medal
Victory Medal
India G S M bar Afghanistan 1919
G S M bar Iraq
1939-45 Star
The Africa Star
The Defence Medal
The War Medal
GV Silver Jubilee Medal
GV1 Coronation Medal
GV Long Service & Good Conduct

Colonel G W Draffen Queen’s Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards)

Distinguished Service Order
GVRl India General Service Medal clasp
Malabar 1921-22
1939-45 Star Africa
Star 8th Army clasp
Italy Star
France and Germany Star Defence Medal
The War Medal 1939-45 MID

Colonel J H Lidsey 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards

The War Medal 1939-45
Military General Service Medal
GVI clasps Palestine 1945-46,
MID Korea Medal 1950-53 (2nd Issue E11 with MID)
The United Nations Korea Medal 1950-54 Campaign Service Medal
1962- clasp South Arabia

Captain P.A. Mann 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards

Campaign Service Medal clasps Northern Ireland, Dhofar EII
Sultan of Oman’s Bravery Award
(Awarded Posthumously)
Oman Dhofar Campaign Medal Clasp Dhofar in Arabic
Oman Victory Medal

NATO Medal Clasp Former Yugoslavia 1996

NATO Medal Clasp Kosovo 1999